Friday, September 15, 2017

Lesson Planning

     I think lesson planning, even in the simplistic manner, is super important in order to have a functioning classroom. Without lesson plans, you have no agenda on the day, week, month, and year ahead of you. It reminds you of things you need to touch on, new things you're leaning, and important quizzes or exams.
     I have experience writing lesson plans of all types. I wrote lesson plans in high school in my teaching professions class, in my college classes at MACC, and also for my job as a preschool teacher. I have not written the type that is required for this class, however, it is similar to other lessons I have written in the past. I think all lessons have the same basics, just arranged in a different manner.
    I am excited to write this type of lesson plan, and learning how to make my lessons plans go above and beyond. I want to be fully prepared on how to plan lessons for the day, and lessons for the whole unit. Having these skills will ensure that my future classroom runs smoothly, and it with make sure that I am prepared every day for the skills I am teaching.


  1. Thank you for posting this blog. I agree with you on needing those lesson plans for guidance. Without them it is like walking around in the dark bumping into things, lol. I am excited to gain more skills in this area. I haven't had the opportunity to make hardly any lesson plans. I have read and viewed a lot of lesson plans, as I am a Subsitute Teacher. I had to go in at the last minute, one morning, for a sick teacher. She didn't have time to leave a lesson plan on the desk. So...I got to "wing it". It's a good thing I am creative and have a lot of experience subbing. So yeah, lesson plans are good.

  2. I am a preschool teacher as well and even if they dont like what I have planned for the day they are still in the routine of going through the steps. i feel like the lesson plans make the day go bay so much faster and i can work on my students goals.

  3. I think a lesson plan is a must do thing as a teacher. You don't want to just come into the day with a blind fold on and have no idea what is going on that day. Also if you don't have a lesson plan and you have an emergency come up then your substitute won't know what they are suppose to be doing.

  4. What a great transition to my class tomorrow... stay tuned...
