Collaborative planning is planning with other coworkers in your school. Everyone comes together to create lessons and unit plans together. This helps a teacher because all the work isn't on one teacher. You also have people you can bounce ideas off of, and people you can talk to if you're having a problem during a lesson.
I like the idea of collaborative planning. I think having to plan everything on our own with no help is a lot of work. It's nice to have people in your corner that you can go to to ask questions on how to teach a certain topic, or asking what kind of activities work/don't work. It's just a good thing to do as a teacher.
I work in a school right now, and in every grade, the teachers collaborate on lessons. I've seen them come together and discuss what worked for them with their particular class. Sometimes it works with one class, and not the other. If they have questions or concerns about a certain student not understanding, they also come together and discuss how to help them. I just think overall, it's a good thing to do as a teacher. It's like a "why not?" type of lesson planning. I plan on using collaborative planing whenever I become a teacher.