I always loved doing these as a student. It is fun and super interactive. It allows for the students to get out of their seats and have fun, while also learning new words!

2. Vocabulary Spinner- http://www.blue-raysite.com/
This is a fun game to play, that makes the student practice all things about the vocabulary word. They could have a stack of their vocab words that they pull from for every turn, and after they spin, they have to apply that to their word.

3. Word Detectives- https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Context-Clue-Activities-4002587?pp=1
These vocab words are used in a sentence and allow the students to make inferences about the words, and figure out what the word might mean. I think this would be a great activity to do before giving out the definitions about the words to allow them to explore.

4. Vocabulary Bingo- http://secondaryenglishcoffeeshop.blogspot.com/2018/04/teaching-vocabulary.html
This is another game that I think students would like, and it's great practice. Instead of picking the word, the teacher would read the definition, and the students will have to figure out the word and cover it up to make a Bingo!

5. Vocabulary Jenga- https://helloliteracy.blogspot.com/2017/08/using-painted-jenga-blocks-for-fun.html
The words for the students are at the top of the paper. Depending on the block pulled, that's the word you do. Then you roll a dice and do the task laid out by the teacher. This can be spelling, definitions, use in a sentence, etc. Who doesn't love Jenga?

I love the idea of the swat the vocab. I would of enjoyed that a lot as a kid. I also like the Jenga game. Any way to get kids to play a game or activity to get their brains thinking. There are so many neat and fun ideas to use.
ReplyDeleteI love the swat game idea! That's a fun way to get them thinking, learning, and moving around. I also really like the Bingo game idea for this too. I think this is a way to get them practicing paying attention and following along with what words mean and how they look for spelling and phonics. I did not realize how many different ways there are to teach vocab that are interactive and fun for the students. I think these methods are also ways to get the information to stick with them better in the long run.